5 Ways to Teach Kids Early Math

The kids just finished their first quarter exams. I'm happy that I didn't have that much difficulty tutoring my kids Math. They seem to understand what their teachers are teaching them.

Of course, there are times that they don't understand everything their teachers teach them the first time, like in Algebra or Geometry. So I have to explain to them how to understand the Math concept, solve the Math problem or what techniques they need to make solving easier.

It's good that I can still remember the basics of Math but for advanced lessons, I had to tell my children to search the topic on Google.

Teaching Early Math Skills

It's important for kids to learn Math early. There are simple things that parents can do to teach their kids Math. Some ideas include:

1. Do the counting drill. Just count 1 to 10 or 20 again and again with your child until he masters it. You can introduce variations of the counting drill, like counting objects (toy cars, toy blocks) or counting the steps when you go up or down the stairs, etc.

2. Let them watch TV programs that teach Math skills. When my kids were young, I remember them watching Dora the Explorer, Barney, Special Agent Ozo, and Mickey Mouse Club. They also watch Epol Apol and Math Tinik by ABS-CBN, which I think really helped them like Math.

What are some kids' TV programs that teach early Math now?

3. Buy educational toys that encourage learning Math. Some toys that you may be familiar with are
  • toys that match shapes and colors
  • counting blocks toys
  • dominoes, board games like Snakes and Ladders, that use a die to count steps to the finish line
  • game card - Just let them arrange the cards from 1 to 10 and according to color and shape. 

 4. Let them play Math games online.  When the internet started becoming popular, my kids loved playing games online. Of course, as a parent, I would filter the sites that they could access. Back then, they play on sites like Cartoon Network and Disney Channel. But I also like them to play educational games.

Below are two sample games that are appropriate for kids. If you have kids, you could let them try to play here.

The first is: Counting Pizza Party 2.

1, 2, 3, pizza! Kids count toppings in this one-to-one correspondence game. Check out this and more games that tackle preschool skills from Education.com.

The second is: Number Hold'em
Help kids perfect place value with this three-digit number game. From addition to geometry, Education.com has the math games kids need to excel.

5. Enroll them in a Math enrichment program. I know that there are many Math programs available now in the Philippines like MTAP, Kumon, or CMA Mental Arithmetic. You can enroll them in these programs to help them excel in Math. Or you can also find online programs that teach Math. I personally like Khan Academy, the Math lessons (other subjects are available also) are good and free.

Another option to enrolling them in a Math program is to give them Math worksheets to work on. But you might need to be more hands-on in teaching them Math this way depending on the age of the child. 

I hope what I have shared will help your kids learn and love Math. Feel free to share in the comments below what you've been doing to teach your kids Math.

Disclosure: Some links in this post are affiliate links.

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Nilyn said…
I would count anything that we can count when I'm with my son - the stairs, our footsteps, the buttons, anything. I remember when I was young, I use to watch Epol Apol, Sineskwela, Math Tinik, Hiraya Manawari and Bayani. I really wish they would bring those shows back.
Mommy Maye said…
Another helpful tips. I am always looking forward to your schooling tips because I have a little boy. I already downloaded Khan Academy years ago but my son is not yet interested. Maybe I could re-introduce to him it now. Thanks again.