About Blogging: Why are You Blogging? (Part 1)

This is a new series that I am starting in my blog - About Blogging.  I've been blogging since 2007, not with this blog.  So, I thought of sharing different aspects about blogging.  I am not an expert in this but I would just like to air my thoughts and maybe learn also from my blog visitors who would nicely leave comments.

Blogging has become very popular.  I've seen all sorts of blogs: personal blog, art blog, photo blog, reviews blog, video blog, music blog, devotional blog, etc.  The question is why do people blog?  Some blog for fun.  Just to be able to write your thoughts out and share it with the world is in itself fun.  Some blog to advance a cause.  There are many who blog for profits by promoting affiliate products or by adding advertising.

For me, I  ventured into this world of blogging after reading one ebook "Free Blogging for Profits".  The author said that you can start making money on the internet when you have a small or zero budget by blogging.  So, I thought I should try it out.  I found out that the making money part was not that easy, though very possible.

But another thing that I found out is blogging is fun and can be very addicting.  So when I started seeing people coming to my blog from the search engines, I was encouraged to continue even though I was making very little money.

So now, why am I blogging?  First, for the joy of it.  I'd stop if I don't find it worth my while.  And second for profits.  Why not?  Extra cash is always welcome.

How about you?  Why are you blogging?  Knowing why will impact the longevity and success of your blogging.

Image credit:  Ivan Petrov

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Paula said…
So true blogging has been a blessing for me too.
Thanks for joining BC Bloggers. Pls. wait for my email tomorrow. Paula WAHM sa Pinas
Lola said…
I have yet to make any money blogging. Though it certainly would be nice if I did. I blog because I enjoy it and I have made many new friends.

Be sure to stop by for my cookbook review today:
Me-an said…
Nice post, for sure it will help me in the future. Btw, I have an award for you

Chin chin said…
You're right, Lola, that through blogging we can make many friends.

Thank you, Paula and Me-an for dropping by. And thanks Me-An for the award.
helen said…
Hello! Did you earn more now in blogging, for me it's hard to earn b blogging. You've a nice blog.
Chin chin said…
As I've said in the first post of this series, the earning part is not easy. Earning with PTCs is way easier. One thing I like though now is that since I joined First Wild Cards, I get to enjoy reading books again. I get a review copy for free and give my honest review of the books on my blogs. Later in this series, will make a post on how to monetize blogs also.