How to Come Up With Good Blog Post Ideas - Part 2

In the blog post How to Come Up with Good Blog Post Ideas (Part 1), we talked about using a keyword tool and blogging planner to make a list of blog post topics. Be sure to read that post. It can help you get a good start on blogging about related topics which increases the authority of your site.  

The topic for this post is a continuation of the previous post. For today, we will talk about two more ways to come up with blog post ideas. 

how to come up with blog post ideas

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links to products I personally recommend.

1. Brainstorming Exercise

The first method involves a simple brainstorming exercise that will help you generate dozens of blog post ideas that you can use for your next week or month's post, or whenever you need some inspiration. 

You can use pen and paper for this brainstorming exercise. But if you prefer to do this using a word document, spreadsheet, or whatever program, feel free to do so. 

Let's start.

Step 1: Make a List of Your Blog's Categories 

Begin by listing all the categories on your blog. Take note of the main categories or the ones you use the most, as well as the ones you don't use as much or you tend to forget. List the categories in your notebook and make sure that you leave about 10 lines of space under each category. 

Step 2: Think of at least 10 Blog Post Ideas Per Category 

Now that you have your list of categories, think of 10 blog post ideas for every category you listed. Don't overthink this process. Just jot down the first things that come to your mind. Remember this is a brainstorm. The goal is to come up with lots of ideas, even crazy ideas. You can just edit and tweak, or even reject them later. For now, list as many potential post ideas as you can. 

Step 3: Rinse and Repeat 

This is a very good brainstorming exercise and you can do it again when you need a new set of blog post ideas. And since this technique is helping you to focus on ideas related to each category, you can be sure that your blog will be rich in relevant content and that no category of your blog will be overlooked. 

Try this brainstorming technique and see how this simple idea can help you generate a lot of future blog post topics.

2. Using PLR Articles

This is one of my favorite ways to get quick content ideas -- using PLR articles. If you're not familiar with PLR or Private Label Rights articles, these are articles available (free and paid) online that can be used for getting blog ideas. You can also tweak this content to write your blog posts faster and easier.  

Let me share with you how I use PLR articles to get inspiration and as a research tool to create blog content. 

Step 1: Pick a PLR content bundle related to your niche.

PLR sellers spend a lot of time and effort doing research on popular and profitable subjects. So, when you buy an article bundle or a short report, the first thing you can do is use it as research for writing your own blog content. 

Step 2: Read and take note of blog ideas

You may want to start by browsing through the list of article titles or the sections in the PLR bundle or report. Take note of potential blog post ideas that you may want to cover in your blog. From there, you could tweak the blog post ideas to make them your own or further brainstorm on topics related to what you listed.

Step 3: Use the PLR content to write your blog post (optional)

Don't stop at just getting blog post ideas. Since you already have the information you need right at your fingertips, why not use it to write your blog content. 

Although you are allowed to copy and paste PLR content in your post, it is better not to use it in its current form. Rewrite, it. Add or remove parts of it or just take the main thoughts and write them in your own words. 

I find this way of writing a blog post using PLR content easier and faster. You need less time doing research and thinking about what you want to write.

Want to give PLR a try and see how it could benefit you?

Here are the top 5 PLR providers I personally use and recommend. You can grab a freebie from their sites so you can see the quality for yourself and implement the process I talked about. 

1. Piggy Makes Bank PLR - Tracy and Susanne offer 28 free PLR packs on different topics that you may want to check out here. When you sign up, you get updates when new PLR packs (including free) are available.

2. Niche Starter Packs - April Lemar offers excellent PLR articles for the health, business, self-development, and home & garden niches. Check out two of her free sample packs here.

3. Health and Wellness PLR - Jennifer Andersen has tons of top-quality PLR packs about health and wellness. You may want to try this Mental Health Journal Prompts pack or this Self-Care pack. There are other topics with free PLR packs that you may be interested in.

4. - This PLR provider is one of the first that I have known. Ronnie Nimjeh offers a variety of PLR content including articles, worksheets, checklists, action guides, affirmation articles, and slide deck presentations. Whatever niche you may be in, you would most likely find some PLR resources here. If you sign up through my referral link, you get 10 free credits right away plus 2 free credits every month.

5. Kitchen Bloggers - If you're writing or blogging about food and recipes, you will love Trish Lindemood's PLR site. You will find tons of ready-to-publish recipes with gorgeous images. Check it out and grab a few free samples as well -- Instant Pot recipes and Decadent desserts and Ketogenic recipes.

By the way, you can use and reuse PLR content in many other ways, not just for blog posts. You can also use it to create lead magnets, email messages, ebooks, or courses you can sell. There's no limit to how many times you use it. 

REPURPOSING is a wonderful technique to maximize PLR packs. So, you can add those tweaked articles to your blog, use the same to create a short report and use it as a lead magnet. 

Try any of these methods to come up with blog post ideas and let me know what you think in the comment section. 

Have a good day!

This is the seventh post in our Better Blogging Challenge. If you missed the other blog posts in this series, just click the link above to find the other posts at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for reading.

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