BC Bloggers Meme: What Do You See?

My son did something yesterday that was perfect for this week's BC Bloggers Meme. He took this picture of the sky using my Samsung GT-B5722. Then, he asked me "What do you see in the clouds, Mommy?" I told him, "A ____."  Oops! Before I give my answer, would you tell me what do you see in the clouds in these 2 pictures? If you can write a caption for the 2 photos, what would they be?

By the way, this week's BC Bloggers' Meme is hosted by Shadz by Tone Down Vintage. And if you want to join this BC Bloggers Meme, just go to Mommy Diary.

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filman santiago said…
Cool snaps. In the first photo, I could see a small camel and in the second photo, I saw dogs? hehehe.
January Zelene said…
I agree with filman. The first photo looks like a camel. The second one, hmmm can't really figure it out. hehe
monleg said…
I can see a man talking with a kid in the first photo.

in the 2nd photo, I can bananas and oranges.

here is my own verion of the photoblog. http://walalangpixels.blogspot.com/2012/07/ubos-na-load-ko-bc-bloggers-meme.html
shadz said…
I see Shrek. Haha. That's in the second photo. In the first one, it's the mutation of a dog, a rabbit, or a sheep. Can't decide. Your son is good, ha.
Anne Lei said…
it looks like an old man with tungko. the last one, i can't figure out. lol
Chin chin said…
It's funny how we see things differently. I actually told my son that I saw a squirrel in the first photo. In the 2nd photo, I think I see 2 of the 3 little pigs being chased by the big bad wolf. What an imagination!
Unknown said…
In the first photo, I see santa playing with a dog. LoL. As for the 2nd, I imagine a very soft fluffy bed or pillow!
Irene said…
In the first photo, a camel? and second poodle dogs. That would be fluffy poodles... =)
jellybelly said…
I see sloth of Ice Age, the left cloud :)
Jimmy said…
I see the light behind the clouds. Funny, when we go through the clouds (in an airplane), it's a bit rough. We pray and wish we get through it as soon as possible. Once out, we feel relieved. I am just reminded. Thanks for the beautiful photo.