30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge

Today, I challenged myself to do the 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge in HubPages. I remember putting on my goals for 2011 that I would like to write more hubs or articles in HubPages. However, I have not done much writing. So, I'm taking this challenge right now.

It seems that now is the perfect time that I do this. The image on the left says "I'm doing the Hub Challenge because I lost my job." That is true. I used to have 3 part-time freelancer jobs, but now, I only have one. So, I could use the extra time to better use writing hubs.

I'm still sure if I can finish this challenge because I am not really a fast writer like some who can write 2-3 articles per day. But I believe that 1-2 articles per day is doable.  I do hope that I can become a better writer by the time I have written 30 hubs. That's my primary goal. This can also help me improve my writing output if I am to do more freelance writing jobs or blogging in the future.

This writing project will also serve as a test to know how financially profitable HubPages really is as a writing platform. You can read my latest review of HubPages here. I hope I can give another optimistic review by the end of this challenge.

To all my blog readers, I hope you would support me in this writing project. I need you to cheer me on because I need all the motivation that I can get. Sometimes, I can still get sidetracked by procrastination among many other things. I would update you once a week of my progress with the hubs that I have written.

To start off this day, my hub for Day 1 is How to be a Babysitter. Hope you can read it as well.

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krizza said…
Good Luck to you Chin! I support you with your 30 days 30 hubs challenge. I'm sure you can make it. You've been doing good in the past so there's no reason for you to fail!

Good Luck! :)
Unknown said…
you have my support chin...
the baby sitting article was so helpful, it discussed comprehensively...kaya lang, as i am reading...halimbawa i would like to be a baby sitter and had no background on child rearing, i would need info on what to expect to different age group - infant, toddler, pre-schooler and grade schooler in terms of physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development, as well as activities (songs/games/etc) of each different age group to shore up the child's development
sir rob said…
I cannot cope up with the demands in writing too many different sites right now. I just don't have the luxury of time that it needs. Was so occupied with work and with my son right now.
Chin chin said…
Thank you Krizza and Reese for the support. I'll try my best to complete the challenge.

Reese, if someone wants to be a babysitter and doesn't have child rearing experience, it would be better to work with an age group that he/she is most comfortable with like the older children. Pwede naman matutunan pag-alaga sa kanila. Kailanagan nga lang ng sobrang tiyaga.

sir rob, just be sure to take a break once in a while. I guess, your son's welfare is always a top priority.