Christmas is this week. As we await that blessed day, my daughter and I like to watch videos from You Tube. We saw these 3 kids singing some Christmas Carols.
I was happily joining the singing when she asked me, "How come you know the songs?" Well, I told her that when I was still a kid, my sister, brother and I love to sing Christmas carols. We actually went from house to house around our neighborhood and sang Christmas Carols in front of each house. How glad we were when after caroling, our kind neighbors give us some coins or even 5 peso bills (sort of like the Trick or Treat during Halloween). It was fun and sometimes adventurous because at times we were chased by our neighbors dogs. Thank God we were not bitten by any.
That is actually one of my favorite Christmas memories. I don't see much children singing Christmas Carols anymore like we used to when we were little. But I still like to sing Christmas Carols especially those that really express the real meaning of Christmas. My favorites are Joy to the World, O Come Let Us Adore Him, O Holy Night and We are the Reason (this is not really only sung at Christmas but it gives a more complete picture of why Jesus was born on Christmas Day).
Let me just greet everyone, "A BLESSED CHRISTMAS!"
A wonder-filled life is yours when you know the Christ of Christmas!
PS When you click on the link Joy to the World on the above post, you can download an MP3 by Casting Crowns from Amazon dot com for free - just until this Christmas.
Hi. My name is Christine. I'm a wife to a Pastor, mom to 5 children, and I work from home as a writer. Welcome! I blog about make money at home ideas and things about my family that's worth sharing with you all.
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